Speaker Details


Davi Baccan

Solutions Architect
Amazon Web Service

Davi Baccan is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, where he helps companies of all sizes build on AWS. With over two decades of experience in AI/ML across the academia and the industry, his professional journey spans three countries – Brazil, Portugal, and Ireland. Davi holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science with emphasis on AI/ML to the understanding of complex and dynamic systems.

Workshop Title: Is AI safety being sacrificed for profit?

This workshop will explore the ethical issues emerging from the boom in the development and use of AI tools, including Generative AI models such as ChatGPT. Many questions arise from the race to commercialise AI applications, some of which have been shown to be flawed and potentially harmful. The development of legal and regulatory frameworks lag way behind the pace of technological advances in Large Language Models and other Generative AI tools, leaving gaps which are being exploited by commercial developers for profit - but at what cost to society?

Personal Information

  • Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Service
  • Two decades of experience in AI/ML
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science with emphasis on AI/ML
Research Interests:


  • AI/ML to the understanding of complex and dynamic systems
  • Amazon Web Services